Born and raised in Paris and West Africa, more precisely Cote d’Ivoire, I was drawn to work with children at an early age. Planning tea parties and pajama parties at my parents’ house. My mother also adopted a young lady from Sierra Leane and her 2 children, who have become my family.
At 19 years old, I moved to New York City from Paris to pursue my education and start a new adventure in humanitarian work. I went to school for Business Administration and ended up working for a United Nations annex. I have also worked for a French marketing agency promoting the French lifestyle.
More recently, I have worked in education as a DOH and DOE compliance coordinator and HR Manager. As the coordinator of a middle and elementary school program, I oversaw hiring staff, represented the organization in interactions with DOH regulatory agencies, and made sure we were continuously in compliance. I also had a chance to assist and expose the middle schoolers to the afterschool entrepreneurship program in connection with what they were interested in.
I see myself as fun, outgoing, compassionate, and caring. I am fully dedicated and excited to start this new adventure with the little ones and the Bilingual Nest community!